Justus F. Gale to [Family]

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Camp Holbrook Co. A8th Vt. RegBrattleboro,Feb 19th /62

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I wil try & write a few lines to let you know what is going on in our encampment. there has not been much of interest in camp Holbrook for sometime except our drill: until yesterday there was an inspection of the regiment & the Artilery Co: & Six Co. of infrantry wer sworn into the United States service: & the other four wer this morning. there was a few that refused to take the oath, but I think they wil take them along with them our fair is about the same as ever rag hash soup and some boild

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beef & potatoes I have had a cold for four or five days but I feel better than I did but cough & bark a goodeal of the time. I received the kind letter from Samantha & Almeda of the 15th last night & was glad to hear from home & that they was getting along so wel: but I am sorry to hear that Mother is so used up. as soon as I got my letters read I went to the officers to se if I could go home but we are so buisy just now that I cannot get away now, and I have about concluded that I shal not get a chance to come home before we leave here. there has not been much snow here since this month came in not more than 2 or 3 inches it has been clear pleasant weat- her the most of this time: there

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has is not more than 2 or 2 ½ feet of snow here not much like Elmore according to what you wrote & I have heard. the boys have some good times on our drill ground. there is three or four boys in the reg that have been in circusses and others that are almost as good: we get out and form a ring & have quite a show a good hearty laugh: & a most any thing that you can think of. I received a letter last night from uncle Merrill they was all wel as common except some cold. Ira Nichols is very sick with the fever & they had serious fears about their get his getting better. I have got another picture that I shal send home by some one that is down from that way. I thnk I shal send it by Mrs Woodbury

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to be left at the Postoffice. if I had known that I should not had a chance to gon home I should sent home to had Charley come down here but dont know as I could have found out long enough before hand so as to sent & then I could sent my pay home & had a good visit to. I wish he could be here a few days. I wil stop writing for now and wait a spel before I finish this til something more comes along about our going off &c. I havent made up my mind who I shal send this to so I write about as it happens. Feb 22d/62 there has been quite a snow storm since I finished the above, about 8 inches there has not been but little blow: is cleared of warm & pleasant to day so that it thaws around the houses.

