Justus F. Gale to Mother

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Camp Holbrook8th Vt Regt. Co. ABrattleboroFeb 21/62Dear Mother

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I wil write a few lines to let you know that I am wel as comon except some cold that I havent traded of yet. I feel verry wel only I have quite a coff but I have got some medicine to day that I think wil cure that. there has about a dozen of our Co. just come in to get ready to go home. I asked the Capt at the same time for a furlow but could not get one for they wouldent let any one go only those that

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have a wife & babies. so I had to stay here. I would like to come home and se you but I think we shal not be gon south a great while. we have heard that Texas & Tennesee has been orderd to by the Governors of their states to lay down their arms if this is true and all of our victories that we have heard of are true I think that rebelion must soon be put down. as I said I would like to come home surely I would but it is few that get many favors from you know who. there is much different feeling in our Co. than there was when we organiced. not but what we

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are used wel but we are kept close by our c------n wel I hope that you wil all get smart before this reaches your hand I was sorry to hear such hard luck from home. I dont know but you wil think that I am sick of my job but I am not but I had rather go where I can be doing something than to be footing around here much longer. we received our state pay this morning mine amounted to thirty three dollars & eighty three cents. our government pay we some expect tomorrow or soon. I would send some home in this but am afraid it wil not go safe. I think I shal send

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up to worcester by Mr Huchison. you wil find out when it comes. I do not think of much more to write now. tel Charley to take good care of his heifer & not let her get poor before spring. give my respects to Father Sisters & Brot and except the same your self.

from your unworthy sonJ. F. Gale

I do not think that we shal leave here this month.

