Justus F. Gale to Sister
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I take my pen this pleasant Saboth morning to write a few lines in answer to your
kind letter of the 1st of Feb which I recd the 25th. your letter found me
enjoying good health; I got a pass from the Doctor of the hospital and went up
to regt. to stop for 4 days and while I was up there (the regt is at Brashear
now) I recd your letter and the box you sent me; every thing came nice as a
cotton hat. I hardly know how to express my thanks to you and the rest for the
things you sent me - and for your kindness. I have just put on a pair of the
socks you sent me. I shall have to send you and Mother something in this or my
next letter to pay you for them.
We have been mustered here to the
hospital this morning for pay; I dont know how long it will be before we shall
get our money probable shall get it in a day or two.
You wrote that you was sorry you could not send me some shirts; it wont make much difference with me for I can get some here to the City now; you sent a plenty of things although I would liked a little peice of Mothers chease - but you nead not send any now for we shall probable be moving about to much now to have boxes sent to us and then it costs to much for the express.
I hardly know what to write to you to day; there isent any news to write of any
importance - every thing seames to be dull and dry; I recd a letter from Emma
Taft wrote Jan 28th. She was to work a little west of Twing ville - she said she
hadent heard any thing from Elmore for a long time.
I get a letter
form Emma Gale occasionly and some from Reuben Nichols; I wrote a letter Joseph
Camp a few days ago. I owe one to Brother Cooper which must pay soon.
Do you hear any thing from William Chandler and the rest of the boys in the 3rd regt. I beleive you wrote that Frank was expecting to get his discharge soon - has he got home yet. I wrote a letter to him a month ago or more havent heard any thing from it yet.
I think Harrison must have looked some scared when that broom stick was after him - if he run for that I dont know what he would do if the rebels should get after him with the musket bayonet and a chunk of cold led; I recon he would look on one side of him more than the other.
I wrote to Lyman the other day; I suppose Mother has got the picture before this
I wrote to Samantha that I had got a watch just like the one I
let Charlie have; but that is gone and have got another last eavening and that
is bargained away if the fellow can get the money. I have got a watch now that
only stands me at three dollars and fifty cts. and is bagai ned for $15. Apple
speculation has gone up salt river - I have made some and lost some money in
You wanted to know if I wanted you to get Charlies picture taken and send it to me; I would like to see it but it seames to me now that he is alive and if I had his picture it would seam more so - so for this reason I you nead not send it for I shall never forget how he looked if I stay here for 20 years. I cant help the tears runing while am writing to think that I shall see him no more in this world. Please write often and oblige your affectionate Brother Justus.
Give my love to Mother & Samantha & Lymans folks.