Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Baton Rouge, La Aug 2d/63Dear Sister,

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After so long time I will try and commence a letter to you in answer to yours of June 27th. I hope you will pardon me for not writing before; I was was verry glad to hear that you were all enjoying so good health and under so favorable circumstances as what I think you are in; although I know you must suffer many depriva- tions on the account of this wicked war, but let us take new courage - every thing appears to be wor- king in our favor now. I hope we have seen the worst of it - and hope we shall soon see the last of it; Since the time we marched into Port Hudson I have been about two thirds over the dam and havent done but little duty of any kind. I went on to a plantation to do take charge of some contrabands; I stayed there two weeks and kept rather running down in stead of gaining so last friday I came up to the Church hospital in Baton Rouge; I am feeling better to day that I did when I came here friday; I suppose you will want to know just how bad off I be; so I will tell you just as it is and I dont want you to think I am any worse; I have been threatened pretty hard with the fever but it has left me now so that I am not I recd. Samanthas picture she sent me – and Herberts; I have them and Em Tafts; I had Emand Gales photograph but the rebs have got it now or destroyed it;

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feverish at all now; I am up around and out door most of the time; so Sis and Mother no need to wory about me much yet; well enough of this for now.

Wesley is in another house just across the street he doesnt seem to get verry tough yet; when he geets up a peice he falls back a stair. he is up around and out door some; we are having very warm weather here now; when this month is gone it will begin to be cool and then we shall feel better; I dont know where the regt. is now - I heard they had left Donalsonville and gone to the old camp ground at Thibideaux - then I heard again they were going to Algiers to quarter.

Aug 3d
I will try this after noon to finish this letter. I am feeling full better to day than I did yesterday; it has been some clou- dy to day which makes it quite cool for this place Wesley & I had a pretty good dinner to day and what do you think it was; well Ill tell you it was a quart of custard; we got it pretty well cirrounded and I think before sundown we will have it prisoner. I dont think of news enough to write this time to pay to commence another page; so I will close on this; I am much obliged to you for patting myJenne for me; I hope I shall get home so to carry to meeting with her sometime.

I will send you a picture of canall street New Orleans - whare I have trotted over its walks so many times; please keep it clean till I get home so I can take a look at it to remember the good confeds by.

Please except this with much love to all J. F. Gale

