Solomon G. Heaton to ?

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Camp near Bells Rains VaDec. the 10 1862

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I now take my pen in hand to write a few short lines to you I am well and hope that you are the same I am a going to send you a twenty dollar order and you can send it to the states treasury or anyone of the Merchants will give you the cash for it I guess you may send me one dollars worth of Postage stamps for I am where I cant git none give the rest to Lucy pay for her board this winter for her schooling our Brigade has had orders to be ready to move at a minutes warning with sixty rounds of catridges and every man that is able to move will have to go that looks like a fight soon I dont like the weather it is so cold hear I dont know of much more to write at present write soon

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affectionate soneS. G. Heaton

Camp near Bell Plains Va

