William C. Holbrook to Frederick Holbrook

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Hd. Qrs. 7th. Vt. Regt.Camp WilliamsAugust 20th. 1862His Excellency
Gov Holbrook

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I have the honor to recommend to your Excellency's consideration the following named officers for promotion in the 7th. Vermont Regt. viz.

Co. F.

1st Lieut Edgar N. Bullard of Co. F. to be appointed Captain of said (F) company as. Lorenzo D. Brooks deceased

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2d Lieut. Rodney C. Gates of Co. F. to be appointed 1st Lieut of said (F) company ny us. Edgar N. Bullard promoted.

1st Sergt. Henry G. Stearns of Co. F. to be appointed 2d Lieut of said (F) company vs. Rodney C. Gates promoted.

Co. II

1st Lieut Charles C. Clark of Co. II. to be appointed Captain of said (II) company vs. Charles C. Reuggles deceased

2d Lieut Austin E. Woodman of Co. II to be appointed 1st. Lieut of said (II) company vs. Charles C. Clark promoted

1st Serg. Judson P. Howard of Co. II to be appointed 2 Lieut of said (II) company vs. Austin E. Woodman promoted

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I many opinion these officers are well qualified for the positions recommended.

I have the honor to be Sir.
Your Obt. Servt.Wm. C. Holbrook
Major & Col.
7th Vt. Regt.

His Excellency
Gov. Holbrook

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Recommendation for promotion of officers in the 7th Vt Regt.

Head Qrs Dept. of the Gulf New Orleans Jan 6. 63 These papers having been found at these Hd Qrs. unacted on, are not respectfully returned to the Commanding of [     ] of the 7th Regt Vt Volunteers -

By Command of
Major Genl Banks
[    ]B. Lewis

Aug 20 1863
V. S. Fullum
Lt Col. 7th Vt Vols.

Recommending Officers for promotion.

