Horace Henry Baxter to John Wolcott Phelps

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May 31, 1861.My Dear Col.

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I send you enclosed Commission as desired for Capt. Chas. G. Chandler. Co. C. of your Regiment. I hear from you through Dr Sanborn, and the newspapers, but have not had the pleasure of receiving a letter from you since you left. I presume you do not find time to attend to such matters. I advised the Gov to offer you the command of one of the 3 year Regiments we shall send out from this state & presume he has written you upon the subject. The regiments will be good ones, each company is well officered, and the men are picked for size and intelligence

One Regt the 2d (the 1st for 3 years) I shall put into camp at Burlington on Tuesday next when they will receive their uniforms & equipment will be [      ] into the U. S. service, and ready to march in ten days time, The 3d Regt will be put into camp at St Johnsbury at the same time. Your young friend Todd is Capt of the Brattleboro Co. & will go into the 2d Regt. he makes a fine [    ] officer. The uniforms will be alike in both Regiments. All the companies have been under drill for several weeks and appear very well indeed

I recd a letter from the Doctor, Col. Washburn, & Quarter Master Morse about Horses & horse equipment, I am trying to make the

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Gov. furnish these for you all, at expence of the state. Whether I shall succeed or not, I can't say but think I may. I shall send the horses and equipment if I do at once, or as soon as possible

I wish you would write me what kind of a horse you want, and how many should be sent for your Regiment, as soon as you get this, so I may be governed by your wishes, if I receive a letter from you before they are sent from here. In great haste

Yours Very TrulyH. Henry Baxter

P.S. I open this to say I shall send [no horses] to you on Monday. I bought a fine sett of equipment for you today of Mr. Gibbins - don't know who will pay, don't hear from the Gov. Shall send one any way & arrange that matter hereafter.

