Erastus Fairbanks to John Wolcott Phelps

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July 29th 1861Col J. W. PhelpsDear Sir,

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Since writing you on Saturday, it has occurred to me that it will be better to store in New York the tents and other Camp equipage not disposed of at Fort Monroe. It may in great part be wanted for the 2nd Regiment, which lost most of its outfit in the lamentable retreat from Manassas.

It may be that the government will take your horses. It will be better to sell than to return them, as I have sent horses to the 2d Regiment during the last week.

I will write Mr Hatch to provide for the care of the property should you decide to leave it in New York. I desire to leave to your own discretion much of the disposition to be made of the equipage. The muskets & personal outfit of the men will of course be returned with them. I hope to be apprized by telegraph of the time when you will reach Rutland.

Very truly yoursErastus Fairbanks

