Leavitt Hunt to John Wolcott Phelps

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Willards hotelWashingtonOct 5th 1861.My dear General,

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Mr Cutts of Brattleboro, and, I believe, a friend of yours, is very anxious to get a Colonelcy and raise a regiment in Vermont.

He has had experience in regimental drill and would, I think, make an excellent officer.

If you would write a word in his recommendation and send it to me I might, perhaps, be able to be of service to him here.

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I have heard it mooted entre nous, of your being called here to take a command in the Army in the Potomac, this was at General Smiths camp which I visited today two miles beyond chain bridge. We have I believe about 80000 men on the other side of the Potomac. The Vermonters look well.

Wishing you the best success

I remain
your sincere friend,Leavitt Hunt

I am looking for a staff appointment as Asst Adjt. Genl. if possible.

