[C. W.] Seaton to John Wolcott Phelps

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Camp of InstructionBerdan's U. S. Sharp ShootersWashington D.C.Nov. 9, 1861General.

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The Lieut. Colonelcy of the 1st Regt. Berdan's Sharp Shooters is soon to be vacant by removal. I have some encouragement from Col. Berdan that he will give the nomination to Gov. Holbrook. Capt. Ripley of the Rutland Light Guard has been recommended for the position. Some of our men who served under him in the three months campaign speak of him in enthusiastic terms.

Will you be kind enough to favor me with your opinion of him in such way that, if favorable, I can bring it to the knowledge of Col. Berdan.

And if it will not tax your patience too much will you also address a letter

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in behalf of his appointment to Gov. Holbrook.

It is understood that the Lieut-Colonelcy is equivalent to a Colonelcy as Col. Berdan is to be made a Brigadier General.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.C. W. Seaton
1st Lieut. Co. F 1st Regt U.S.S.S

Brigadier General
J. W. Phelps

