George W. Quimby to Sister

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Camp Griffin, Smith's Division Va.Oct. 31st, 1861Dear Sister:

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I barely know how or what to write you to night my feelings are such - but I will try and make you to know how deeply I feel the sorrow that has come upon you and us all.

It does not seem possible that the Dr. was not there at Barton, that he so generous and ready to help others should now be beyond all earthly help but, although I cannot scarcely believe it yet I know it must be so.

Oh Emeline how much I have thought of how lonely you must be how much sorrow there must be in that family that so long was a home to me!

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I had not thought anything at all about being at home since leaving - of course I would have liked to see friends - till now, and now I would like very much to be so as to be of some assistance to you for I know you will need those that you can trust.

I heard from several persons by letters, how the Dr. was, how that he was very sick indeed. But could not realize that he was to die, till the news came and then it did not seem possible.

He had done much for me more than I could have asked and I ever felt so, and I had hoped to be able in his life time to repay the kindness but the dead need no such favors from the living. But I may be of some service to you if I

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ever return to Old Vermont.

You will have great deal of care and anxiety in settling up the estate and I wish there were more in Barton that I should feel like trusting.

You know something of what I think of Barton folks especially some. Don't let yourself be influenced by a show of friendship to trust any too much.

I should not trust Maj. Pierce by any means with business. F. S. French I think is honest and would keep business .

The Sawyers I can't say much of. Grout I hate and despise and know is dishonest if one ever need be and Sartle is [back] but

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honest in assisting in settling estates. but I should trust no one without looking after them closely. Was the Dr. able to make any in regard to his business or was he so as not to be able to. I pity you and those little ones, left alone without any Father while so young, but if I ever return from this war I shall try and return the kindness shown me by the dear dead. - Emeline try and bear the burdens inposed upon you by this affliction as well as possible for the sake of Ida & the little one. My health is good never better. We have made no advance since my last but are working hard in drilling and are getting drilled very well.

I was on Picket duty last night and am very and sleepy and will not write any more tonight. But again soon.

Your affectionate brotherGeorge

Kiss Ida & the little one for me and love to Abraham Remember me to all -

