George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Mrs. E. B. Masta


Camp near Cloud's Mill, VAMarch 22, 1862Dear Sister -

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I am officer of the day and so have not very much to do if the camp remains quite and will improve the opportunity to write you that you may know how your roving brother is prospering and what of news we have here in this place out of the way of all news except what we get in the papers that the news boys bring to us every day. In the grand advance of the "Army of the Potomac" we as ordered 12 o'clock midnight participated leaving every thing behind except what we could bring in a small

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valise and marched 12 miles before 11 o'clock AM expecting at any moment to meet the Rebels - but bivouacking on Flint Hill, about 2 miles from F. C., Va north westerly and 6 miles easterly from Centresville. We remained 4 days expecting to move on toward Richmond when as last Saturday, March 18th, we marched on a rainy day through mud and sleet not some 14 miles to this place expecting the next day to embark and move down the Potomac but we still are here and we have no idea now when we shall move tho. I hear today not till after the 1st of April, but we may on any day. We are here doing nothing, waiting for what may turn up. we are

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almost inclined to think we shall never see any fighting. Things move on so slowly. I have written this much when I was called away and now things look different. We are ordered to be in readiness to move to morrow morning early. We expect to march to Alexandria some five miles from here and then to move down the Potomac - how far we cant tell - this war is a strange affair and full of pleasant and unpleasant things - sometimes we get weary and sick of it and again are well pleased with all.

Capt. Tucker having resigned I have been promoted to the Captaincy and o now all the responsibility rests on me - but I have

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two good Lieutenants - my 1st Lewis was a 2nd Lieut. in Co. E. and my 2nd was orderly Sgt. in the same company.

I can write no more now for it is getting late. I will write again - and when we may have something to write about. Write soon.

Your affectionate brother,George

Direct to
Capt. G. W. Quimby
Co. D. 4th VT Regt.
Washington, D. C.

