George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Rockville, MDSept. 13, 1862My dear sister:

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I will just drop a word to you this morning that my may not think I have forgotten you - Since I received your last we have seen stirring times. I believe I got it at Hampton - we have been marching and countermarching ever since or the Regt. has - and I till last Monday about noon when the surgeon left me here to recoup a little - I wish it had been in that old Farm House in Lyndon instead of Rockville, but it could not be. I could tell you nothing of interest in all these marchings if I should undertake it. and I do not

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feel like it this morning - save that we marched in the dust when it was almost suffocating and in the mud when it seemed as tho. it was taking our very life's blood out of us. That sometimes we have felt almost discouraged of ever achieving anything toward putting down this Rebellion - there again when it was announced that McClellan was in command again everything looked brighter - for whatever the people may think that is but one opinion in the Army in regard to McClellan and that is that he is the man to lead us. I hear from VT once in a while of how such and such a one is made Field officer in the new Regt. while old officers here who have served faithfully and well for more than a year are left un

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noticed - for instance Geo. Chamberlain is Maj. of the 11th Regt. who has seen no service at all.

Could not you suggest to Steele if you should have a chance that Orleans County might with propriety claim some Field Officers and that likely enough your brother might make a decent major having seen some little service. Men that stay at home or go home on Leaves of Absence get everything - while we that stay and do duty all the time get nothing - such things are galling to Officers here. But never mind if I remain Capt. during the service I shall try and do my duty - I remember one question you asked and that is all how I spent a certain Sunday. That day we marched from Charles City C. U. acros the Chickahonery 15 miles

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a very hard day's march, and during the whole day scarcely thought this it was Sunday - such is the tendency of war.

I am getting better and have quite an appetite now and shall join the Regt. in a day or two which is some 20 and perhaps today 30 miles from here.

Ida's letter was very acceptable I would like to see her much also the other one, I can't think the name - my best regards to all friends-

Your affectionate brotherGWQ

