George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Camp near Stafford C H VANov 30, 1862Sister Emeline.

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I received your letter dated Oct 20th only a few days ago, or I should have answered it before but you directed it to Hagerstown and we left there just about the time it should have got there.

The box came all right and quickly too and everything in it seembed to be just the thing I wanted. I write to Jefferson often, you wrote me you had heard from him and urged him to come home, but he will not want to come till he has got his pile I suppose.

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You ask me a difficult question when you ask whether you should sell or not. For I know nothing of his business or property as now; and know nothing of your future plans. Will you wish to keep a house to operate. I do not know as if you will find a place that will suite you better and have the same advantages as Barton has for as much as I despise some of the people I like Barton - and if your property is kept in good repair will be saleable any time I should certainly sell if I could advise easily. If I were there I could give

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you more definite advice I think. I received the Caledonian as well as the other letter. am much obliged for the Caledonian. We have had long march but have had no fighting and have been in the camp most of the time. Nothing of interest to recited and we here following the rebels up to today, till that imbecile cabinet at Washington cashiered McClellan and since then we have marched 40 miles and are effectively stopped for some time and we are making ourselves as comfortable as we can in the tents we have and shall probable stop some time. We are 16 miles from Fredericksburg 5 miles NW of Stratford VA

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10 miles from Squid Creek Landing. Confined in the woods is rather like [    ] to get things to eat here except the regular [    ] box with sugar and coffee. We got a little flour and make [    ] Once in a while get a little Bread of the Sutters but not much I assure you. Write when you can.

Your affectionate brother.
Kiss Ida and the little one for me. Tell Ida she must write me.G. W. Q.

