Henry A. Smith to Clarissa A. Smith

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Lewinsville Va Jan 9th 1863Dear Mother

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I received your welcome letter yesterday I read Franks letter when we were at Drainsvi lle but when Stuarts Cav made the- ir said we had so much to do that I did not get time to answer it till 3rd Jan The rebels are most every night shooting at our pickets at Drainsville They have wounded three and captured five. Our Camp moved over here the 7th and are in the best quarters we have ever been in A good house warm room s stoves bunks built up abou t two feet from the floor and hay in them to sleep on plen ty to eat and more coffee than we can use which we swap off for milk and plenty for our horses

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to eat Camp L is with us I hope we shall remain here till next May I am sorry to hear that Frank is so unwell I hope she will have good luck geting a new set of teeth. Mother you are of the opinion that I am about the war I think it will never be settled by fighting It is a very pleasant pretty winter we have not had but two snow stor ms this winter I suppose the boys are having nice times skating this weather There has been times when skating was good here If you was secesh and lived down here you would loose all your chickens it is mean business stealing fol ks’s chickens up north We have not been paid off yet but expect to be paid in about a fortnight four months pay I dont belei ve [] Walker will send me any shirts though he may

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If it would be convenient I should like to have you send me so me papers once in a while we dont get any here Jan 11th We had to go out on picket yesterday and the day before. Night before last some rain and snow fell it rained very hard yesterday and last night We have to go on picket every third night but there is no rebels nearer than 20 miles at least. Most all the citizens around here are Union In my letter to Frank I wrote something about you sending me another box If you have a mind to send me one put in a pair of stockings a comb and what victuals you like I guess it is cool enough now so you can send a baked chicken without its spoiling I should like a good loaf of Brown Bread to The Captain gives the boys passes to go into camp when they want them

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so if you send a box I can go into camp and get it myself I should like some maple sugar and butter If you send it have it well marked so that it will not get miscarried Tell the boys to look out not get into the river when they are out skat ing If France is going to help the South I am afraid the American Union will be bloted out forever I beleive I have writen all the news My health is good and I hope you all the same

Write soon Henry A Smith

I will send Mame a ring made of bone with spots of sealing wax in it I will make Mother one as soon as I get a piece of bone

