William Bruidnell and Francis Finnegan to William Wirt Henry

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Camp near Harrison LandingAug 9th 1862Wm W Henry Esq

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Enclosed you will Please find an Order on the State Treasurer for Ninety one Dollars Extra State Pay and a Draft for Twenty five Dollars amounting to $116. Which you will Please pay to my Credit and acknowledge the Recipt of Same and oblige

Yours TrulyWilliam BruidnellPer F FMr. Henry Dear Friend

William is out on Pickett now and he left the Drafts with me requesting me to send them to you. I am much Pleased to see him save his money so well

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and if he lives to return to Vt he will have something to repay in part at least the trials and hardships consequent to war. I have been having a light run of fever and was unable to do duty for about 12 days. I am getting strong now and have been doing dut for the last week We like Capt Johnson very well His courage is unquestionable but in times of danger he is more excitable than Dillingham Lieut Clarke is cool in danger but generally rather dull on the whole quite clever Gregg has resigned & gone Thus goes the last of our old stock of commissioned officers remembered to be beloved by the Company Bass is liked even better than was as 1st Seart & Corp Warren Gilman is acting Ordenance Sergt in the Brigade He was a mere P

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while in the Co I could say much more about the boys but must stop for want of light Remember me kindly among your Friends and Wellwishers

Yours RespectfullyFrancis Finegan
Wrn W. Henry Esq
Waterbury Vt

