William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp WashburnAug 22nd 1862My Darling wife

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Yours of yesterday was received last night. I am very sorry to hear Katie is so sick. I got an appointment yesterday as Acting Maj for the l0th - probably I shall not get a commission (if I get one at all) until next week some time. Col. Jewett is going home Saturday so you see I am not going to be able to see you until. about next Wednesday as I shall be left in charge of the Regt. which will be quite a feather in my cap if I do it well. I stand first rate now and am anxious to keep up my reputation if possible and I know you will enjoy my honors with me, and assist me all you can. You must be careful and not let Katie's sickness worry you. they will take good care of her. tell her I am sorry and will come and see her just as soon as I possibly can with safety to myself. If she should be dangerous let me know at once. I will write you again Sunday. I wish you would just drop me a line every day for I wish very much to know every day how you all are. be good and brave. I am doing well now.

As Ever YoursWilliam

