William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp WashburnSunday Aug 24th 62My Darling wife

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At last I have got into business that is big enough to suit me. Col. Jewett went home yesterday and left me in charge of the l0th Regt. He is not coming back until Tuesday so you see I have got quite a responsible position for a few days at least if I never get anything more. I have got along first rate so far - all goes well, but it is a little bigger wheel than I care to run at present. If I get through with it all correct until he (the Col} gets back I shall be all right for it will demonstrate my ability to command men and and show wether I am fit for a field office or not. unless something new turns up I shall go to the Gov Wednesday and make him say what he is going to do for me - then go home and get there on the mail train in the evening. I hope I can for I want to see you so bad, and poor Katie and the "soldier". It appears Katie has got to have a regular run of the fever but I do not worry much about that for Dr. Fales never loses a case of

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that kind. You must write me every day for you know how anxious I am to hear from you. Our Chaplain came to day and we had services in camp. To night at Dress Parade I had some four or five hundred spectators from: Brattleboro - the ground was covered with carriges of gentlemen and ladies. All went off very nice and of course the "Major" felt big. I am called Major by all the Regt. and you would have laughed if you could have seen me once to day when I called up a poor fellow that was in the Guard house and gave him a lecture - so pathetic that he cried like a child. Mr. Cummings the speaker of the House was present, and thought I would make a very good Judge Father will know Mr Cummings well. I think I am very well liked in the Reg:t. as all the officers most are trying to fix it so I can go in this Regt. I will write again Tuesday and let you know how I get along. It is quite cold this evening and I must go to bed. I stop in the Col. Tent (you see I am big indian)

good night my darling one.William

