William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp near Offutts X roads Md. Sunday eve Nov 23rd 1862 My Darling one

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I neglected to write you my usual letter in the middle of the week, for I was very buisy all the time besides I told Capt Dillingham to go and see you as soon as he got home and tell you all the news, which I suppose he did - so that is my excuse. Not a very good one I will admit. I recd your's written last week, all right. About my coming home, I shall send in a pitition about Tuesday or perhaps tomorrow and if the powers that be see fit to let me go I shall be there sometime. It will very likely take about a week to find out. As soon as the papers get around I will either come or write you the result. If I cannot get a leave of absence then you must come down here and see me for I must see you blessed wife

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soon, for I cannot stand it much longer You could come back with Capt. Dillingham when he returns very well if I cannot go, but I will not belive until I try hard but what they will let me off for a few days but of this I can tell you better next time, we will wait and hope. We have been having a long cold rain storm and all is dreary and cold here now. Even George has begun to tease to go home, and I shall send him as soon as I find out about it. Mud! Mud! again is the cry now, and we may calculate that the winter is upon us now in ernest, and we have got to make the best of it. War is an awful calamity to a nation, and when this one is to end I must say I am not able to see, things moove very slow, still we are all in hopes something will be done this winter to close it, but what that something is, we cannot tell. However we are very well off to what the poor fellows are that are in the

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Advance towards Richmond, for they have to march and lay out in the wet and cold, and sometimes suffer for something to eat; while we are in good comfortable tents with a good fire, plenty to eat, and very little marching to do - but a man that has left all for his country must not murmur, but make the most of it, remmembering that “every cloud has its silver lining” I am comparitavely speaking very comfortably situated, have a good large tent with a nice little Stove in it, with a floor and good bed, but still it makes my heart bleed sometimes to see how the poor soldiers have to suffer. I was very sorry to leave our camp at Seneca, and my nice Log Cabin that I took so much paines to fix up with a good fireplace and all so handy but it [] repine, all the consolation [] you should not be a [] It will be to bad [] grant·me a “leave []

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days rest from the noise and. bustle of camp life. Also I want to be in my own quiet home again with my loved one’s around me – Oh! how I would hug my darling little Mollie, and she would be so glad to see her papa, they must let me go – what a grand old Thanksgiving we would have, would we not. My health still continues good, so does Georges, and all the other boys. The Regt. is quite healthy now. I shall have to scold our sister Katie Parker a little, for she has not written me for the last two weeks, no one but you my darling one. There is no news for me to write so I will bid you good night, and await my good luck which I hope will get around and that I may be permitted to spend the next Sabbath night with you, resting your aching head upon the bosom of your faithful husband


