Justin Carter to William Wirt Henry

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We the undersigned non commissioned Officers and Privates of Company B. 10th Regt, Vt. Infantry agree to give the amount set opposite our names for the purpose of purchasing a Sabre to be presented to Lieut Col. Wm. W. Henry as a slight token of the esteem in which we hold him as an officer and the Soldiers friend.

NamesNamesSergt. Carterx50 x50Privates Foster Sewardx50Sergt. Fosterx50 x50" Brown Geox50Sergt. Piercex50 x50" Boyarx50Sergt. Danax50 x50" Wheelockx50Corpl. Holtx50 x50" Waldronx30 x30Corpl. Parkerx50 x50" Shoniox50 x50" Carrx50" Holtx50 x50" Dodgex50 x50" Matherx50" Greenex50 x50" Ayerx x50" Stickneyx50 x50" Brooksx35" Bealsx50" Thayerx50Privates Woodx50" Crossett Henryx50" Taylorx30" Jeromex25" Woodward Wm.x25 x50" Moodyx30" Woodward Sidneyx50" Blanchardx30" Smith Hiramx50" Storrsx50" Greelyx50" Evans Edward P.x25" Woodward Irax50" Ripleyx40" Clark Henryx50" Leex35" Scaribox25" Gilmanx50" Brown Geo Gx35" Dodge Laroyx50" Clark Asmanx50" Hallx30" Stewartx50" Crossett Geox25 x5010.7026.739.20

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PrivatesSelinax25 x50"Lucex30"Cayhux25"Honanx30"Boycex20 x30"Cushmanx25 x50"Williamsx50 x50"Smith John Gx50"Townx50"Glyssonx50"Austin Frankx20 x50"Burgessx25"Kennedyx50 x50"Crossett Charlesx50 x50"Scribnerx50"Streeterx50"Coburnx50"Godfrey Isaacx50"Eagon Robertx25 x50"Rubleex25"Parkhurst Horatiox50"Barker Danx50 x50"Fosterx25(Little Drummer)"Mathewsx50 x50"Morrissettx25"Burkex25"Ayersx50 x50"Nelsonx50"Trumanx50"Clark Williamx50"Briggsx100"Evans Ira Hx50"Bradleyx50

Presented by Sergt.
Carter at "Conrads Ferry"
Md. Jany 19th 1863

