William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp "Heintzelman" Near Poolsville Md. Apr 23rd 1863 My blessed darling Mary Jane

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Your kind good letter, with Mollies (bless the dear little angle) of the 17th came in this eve, and you will see by the top of this page, that a heavy part of your "grate load" is taken away, for we are here yet, and now again all looks like remaining here, still we cannot say what moment the order may come to go, but be that as it may, Dr. Rutherford says very truly, "laugh while you can, and cry when you cant help it" which you know is my rule also. I well know darling one, that I was writing you hard news, but still I had to say it, for we realy thought we had to go. And now I find it is your turn to write

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me bad news. I did think when you wrote that Ferdie had cut a whole mouthful of teeth that he would not be troubled with any more "Fits", but it seems the poor little fellow has got it all to go over again. All I can do to help you is say I am sorry I cannot be with you to help you bear your many troubles, but dear one you must bear them alone. About the "box" sent it along for I think there is no doubt but what I shall get it, and have the pleasure of eating the good things at this beautifull camp, for certainly it is the most lovely camp I ever saw. I have got my tent fix up splendid, and am in hopes I can invite you to pay me a visit in a short time, and that you can leave Ferdie and Mollie and come without any trouble, but more of this here after Ed started for Washington and home yesterday He will tell you all about camp life for he has enjoyed it very much. All are well but Justin, he will drink a

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little too much once in a while, and it always makes him sick. The 14th N.H. Regt have been ordered to Washington, so all we have got here now is our own, the 23rd Maine, one Battery, and four companies of Cavalry and the river cannot possibly be picketed by any less force. I have six companies of my Regt. here. Co “I” is at Conrads Ferry. Co “C” at Whites Ford, and "D" and "F" at Monococay, are having grand times now drilling what are here. I got a grand good letter from John Bradley to night. We dont have much war news these days. My old friend Trundle that I have had so many good dinner with was buried yesterday, and Capt Frost Dr. Rutherford, and myself went to the funeral by invitation of the family, so you see we have a few friends even among the secesh. My health still continues first rate. Will write often, and you must. Good night darling. The officers are coming into “school”

As ever William

