William Wirt Henry to John Henry

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Head Quarters 1st Brigade 3rd Div 3rd A.C. Camp in the field near Bealton Va. Sept 10th 1863 My own darling wife,

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Yours of the 7th came in by tonights mail all right. Am glad to know you are all well yet and feeling well. glad you have seen Capt Ed and that he is doing so well. This morning Genl. Morris got leave of absence for ten days and that leaves me in command of the Brigade again as ranking officer and to day I have been signing papers as "Brigadier Genl" and "big ingin" generally. “Aint that grand?” Col Jewett will start back I’ll warrant you as soon as he finds he can command a Brigade for he is very fond of "acting Brigadier" so I do not expect my reign will last the whole ten days. there is nothing new to write. all well. all quiet. And all feeling tip top. My health still holds good.

As ever yours William

