William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp at Brandy Station Va. Friday Nov 13th 1863My Darling wife

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We are still here, and all is quiet. It seems the enemy have all retreated to the South bank of the "Rapidam" to their entrenchments and are waiting to be attacked. The general opinion in camp is, that there will be no farther advance at present. "Bufords" Cavalry are in front of us occuping Culpeper. Genl. Morris told us to day to go to work and fix up good quarters on a side hill about one mile from where we lay now ( we are laying in line of Battle now close by the R.R.) and if we do not get orders to advance within ten days we will moove there and call it our winter quarters. it is a splendid place for a winter camp. I am going to Head Quarters by tomorrow if I hear nothing new, and see if there is any such thing as getting a leave of absence yet, and if there is I shall "try again". Another thing makes me think this is to be winter quarters. Genl. Mead has scattered and distributed the different Corps all up and down the river forming a continues line, and all in such a position that they have plenty of good wood and water, and every thing requisite for winter use. Our boys are all first rate as usual. I have had a little touch of diarrhea for three days past, but am all right now.

As ever William

