William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qrs 10th Vt Camp at“Cedar Creek” Va. Nov 6th 64My own Dear wife

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I have just got in with my big train of 500 hundred waggons all right – have been complimented by Genl. Wright for not loosing a man or waggon on the trip, and am feeling very well over it. The mail is also in and I find two good letters from you Oct 26th and 28th. It was strange you did not get the news of Captain Thompsons death sooner. I should have telegraphed if I had been where I could – but the nearest point to a telegraph office is Martinsburg 36 miles distance so you see it was impossible. I expect in your next to get an account of his body having arrived home and about his funeral. Mosby made a raid to day on a forage train about a half hour before I got along, in the vicinity of Newtown and shot a colored man dead, and took to train masters and left before I

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got there. Some one else will be detailed to go back with the train tomorrow. What an awful week it must have been for you waiting for my letter after the battle. Darling one I cannot tell you any thing now at present. I am waiting for the Army to go into winter quarters, then I shall be able to make what Father Beebe calls an “Almanac” and can tell just what I can do, but you may rest assured I will get home just as quick as I can honorably. There is no Army news here at present with the exception that the Government is building up the Rail Road to Winchester which we interpret to mean that we remain in the valley all winter. This is Sunday and I ought to write a good long letter, but I am tired, and really have got nothing new to write more so will close.

As everWilliam

