Bradford Sparrow to Alner D. Sparrow

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First Letter from Burlington
Alner D Sparrow Esq


Burlington CommonAug 19/ 63Father;

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I have just reported and shall be examined tonight or tomorrow morning and as I have the day before me to loiter about town I seat myself under a shade tree in the middle of Burlington to write a letter to you.

Monday night I was lucky in getting a lodging. Aaron Harris came along to me and said I would sleep with him, he was roaming Porter at Stones I got some seat but no sleep there was so much noise all night. In the morning I got into a covered Coach & went off with out any breakfast expecting to be provided for at Stowe but we all had to buy our []

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or go without. We picked up some thing to eat at the groceries & was off for Waterbury in 80 minutes & got to Burlington little before noon. We took dinner in the barracks on the old fair ground. It consisted of Beans, Meant & Bakers Wheat bread and made out quite a meal. In the after-noon nothing was done with us. Last night I wrote to Albert. They are examining those from our district now. [] Davis has been in & accepted & ordered to report here in 7 days but if he can prove that he has had the diarea since he got his discharge then he will be []. Ira is accepted also. I think I shall be, I must close now I shall be at home if I can come

Yours TrulyBradford

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Letter No.1BurlingtonAug 28/63Anxious Parents & Brothers

I suppose you are waiting to hear from me & where I am &c. I got here and reported by dusk Wednsday, got my uniform the next day. I felt just about as I expected. I start for Brattleboro tomorrow morning.

There will be 15 or 20 to go. Two English deserters among them going as substitutes.

Wm. Swift is going with us instead of paying $300.

Hiram. Dire is here trying to get a discharge, he has showed his eye to the doctor, he nowcould not remember examining him & I guess he was ashamed to. Hiram has got a certificate from Dr. Ruble.

Our valise & clothes we take

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with us as far as Montpelier Junction & there leave it directed to you expecting you will get it at night (Saturday) with my boots lashed on the out side. I don’t think of much more now only that I have been sewing this afternoon. I have fastened the buttons on my Pants & put a pocket on one Shirt. I will write again when we get to Br --- boro

Yours TrulyBradford

