Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Abner. D. SparrowElmoreVt


Letter No. 13Va.Nov. 21st /63Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I have at last got time to write to you once more. I am on start now & they have kept me so busy that it has been longer since I wrote than I mean it shall be when I can help it. I suppose you have been looking for a letter for somedays, my health is getting to be quite good now. I have not fairly got my strength yet, but I have got some bitters that I am taking now that helps me, you did not understand what kind of a fever I had. Instead of the rheumatic fever, it was the remittant fever, the Dr. told Ira that it was the typhoid fever I had, I suppose the remittant fever is a light run of the typhoid, the Dr.s name (that had the care of the hospital)

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is Bigsby or Bixby but the head surgeon's name is Allen. Ira is with the company & on duty but his leg grows weak & he ought not to be here, he had a letter for Bills wife that brought news that his Mother was worse, she thought he never would secher again on earth, it made Ira feel pretty bad, you said it was doubtful about Mrs. Bishops coming out here, I wish he would come for I am within 4 or 5 miles Pitkins head quarters, he is at Brandy Station, I am where I was when I wrote last. If Mr. B should come out you might send the Boots & sleeping Cap. what is it about them boots you dont like, you need not send anything by Stevens, let him buy his own clothes, you spoke about Posttage stamps, you may send me 50 cts worth

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or less any time now, those papers were welcome visitors. I like to get the was news once in a while, besides, the stories were such good ones that they cheer a fellow up more than you imagine & that sermon by Mr. Severance I took consider able interest in, I think the War prospect looks quite favorable now I dont know whether this army will make another general move this fall or not, there is one corps up to Culpepper & this one is only 10 miles from there, some think we shall go into winter quarters very near here, but there is a talk of going to Culpepper, the rebs, were in what they [] lated for winter quarters when we drove them from here, our regt is in the rebs old camping ground, they had built some nice comfortable quarters here but they

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had to leave for Richmond, a sargent told me the other day he thought we should go into winter quarters in about a month that would fetch it the middle of Dec, be thinks the fall rains will make it to muddy to move by that time. I see by the daily papers you sent me that if there is another draft it is to be conducted different from the other & I dont see why the quotas conld not have been assigned to Towns in the same way, on the other draft. It is getting dark & the boys are drawing this this ration of fresh beef & I must get mine, it is a cold rainy night, Sunday 22nd, I will try & finish now. I am well to day but Ira is quite unwell, how is it about the state pay, I heard we were to have it, but only from the time the law was made I had a letter from Harriet day before yesterday, they were well & said Cousin Orlando was going to write to me, I shall answer her letter to day if I can & write to Wmil Orlando soon, I have got my dress coat & another half tent so I shall be more comfortable through this fall weather.

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there will be some more things that I shall want, I will make out a list of them & send you in season to get them. I think of them by degree along, they such as will not make much delay. I think some of having some provision sent out, such as butter cheese & honey enough to make out 200 lbs with the other things, I think a large box will not be so apt to get lost. Swift is going to send for some either away, if his comes safe I shall try it, for I want a little my self & the rest will sell so as to make well on it, if I have am I shall want a 50 lb. Tub of butter 50 lbs, of cheese & the east in Honey, perhaps I shall conduct to have all cheese instead of honey except a little for myself, it will depend on the price, there is no honey to be had

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here any way & it would sell for any price, butter & cheese can be had once in a while at 40, & 60 its a lb, respectively. I wish Jon would write how this stuf is selling in Vt. I thought if I could make enough to pay the freight on my box & some a few dollars it would help me just [], I shall be obliged to closer for I cant think of anything to day, there is to or three mo things that I want to write about but being broke off last night I have forgot what it is, this letter is pretty well mixed up I guess you will think but the reason is when I begin to write I have so much on my mind that I before I finish, one subject I forget half, & being another, & put the last in some where at large. I will try & not letters after this, I do not forget you. I have no ink, cant get any.

From your Absent Son,Bradford, P.S.
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I had a letter from Aunt Elisa the next day after I wrote to you, I answered the next day after I rec,d it. She had been sick & was getting bother. Grand Mothers health was poor, she spoke of Uncle marriage, she said Uncle Daniels folks had a little girl most ten weeks old. Uncles Solons folks were well, Lewis was coming home to thanks-giving, she had not heard from you for along time. Harriet gave [] my address she cut the war news from his last papers & put in she said she would send me paper if I thought I should get then.

