Bradford Sparrow to Alner D. Sparrow

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Letter No 19Brandy Station, Va.Jan. 31st/64Dear Father;

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Today is sunday so I am at leisure to write again, yesterday I come in from a 3 day picket. I found that there was 2 papers here for me & a good large box it come all safe, right side up, the pies & cakes & were thing kept well only chickens had just begun to mildew a little on the out side but not to hurt them it has been pretty hot weather for the last week, for winter weather, the brown bread was what I wanted but forget to send for it, the hatchet & spides are just the sort so was the coffe pail & sugar, my health continues good & I hoop this will

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find you all as well Ira & swift are well also, you asked if I saw those men executed, I did, there was a division [] expressly for that occasion. There is a great many stories now about the rebels coming into our lines & fighting among themselves & some of the stories are tene I guess, I dont think of much more to write now it has been so short time since I wrote I hope you are all my [] yourselves wel for I am.

Yours, TrulyBradford, P. Sparrow

