Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No 33Battle FieldMay 13th/64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I am permitted by kind providence to live to see this day & write this letter, but I do not from as you will be permited get it. It is awful times I ahve been in terrible battle & have been in considerable danger all the time for 8 days, but was not in the front line where I could shoot but one days, the 5th. I have not been hurt but am quite fatigued, the Vt Brigade is all cut up. I have thought, of you & longed to write but no mail has gone from

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here untill this morning, my regiment is was away from the brigade & we knew nothing about it, but I write this to send the first opportunity. I suppose you are suffering great anxiety by suspense & I from expecation & uncertainty. My prayer is god will protect me & comfort you I dont know how much longer this will last but I hope to see you again. Please send this picture of mine to Cousin Frances, may god watch over us all.

Good Bye
From your Son & BrothersBradford. P. Sparrow
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May 15 I am all right yet the lays eight beside us, it come this morning. I have had a good visit with the boys, the drafted men from Brattleboro came to day also. Ira was not hurt in the fight, but is sick in the division hospital. Wm Swift was killed the first day of the fight. Lenard & suman Davis were bothe killed.

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I dont know where I am now but between Fredericksburg & Gordons Ville I think

