John M. Stone to Family

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Camp GriffinNov 30-61Dear Home

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We were very glad to recive three letters from home last night, although all were in one envelope, & especialy so at finding one in mother’s own hand write-ting. We were very sorry to hear that Mary was unwell. Is she much so? Tell her she must get well quick, for I don’t know but I shall come home before long to see her if I can do without its costing much. At any rate I want that she should get well & write me a letter. We were very glad to hear that Maria is doing so well.

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Tell her to be carefull & not get sick. There are a great many sick here. There were five deaths in our regiment last week & two this. There are sevral more that probably cannot live but a few days at the most. One of the fourth died very sudenly yesterday, he told his captain that he wanted him to write to his folks, that he was well, tough as a knot & that he never was better in his life, & fel back a corpse. You must have missed us very much Thanksgiving day especaly at supper, but how great reason have we to be thankfull, that our separation was not caused by death. I hope that our lives may be spared & that we may all be at home next year. I have suffered considerably from

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neuralgia since leaving home but have had one of my teeth extracted & hope that I shall not be troubled with it any more. The caps of which mother spoke would be very acceptable & some such thing would be a great blessing to the regt these coald nights, many of the men suffer for the want of gloves, when on duty especialy guard duty. woolen ones would be the best could they be had. Our bed is layed upon pools about a foot from the ground & is quite comfortable. Brother has drawn me an over coat, jacket & blanket. his health is improveing. He has a prayer meeting several evenings in the week & some times the are two ore three the

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evening. If mother should have an opertunity of sending those caps, I wish she would send one or two strips of flannel to use for sore throats as many are troubled with it. I should like to be prepaed in case either of us should have it. The cousins here all continue well. I have not been into Washington since we came out here but hope to soon after Congress meets. Cornelius Chandler left here last Thursday for Montpelier if he should return perhaps you might by him. I take care of the Doctors hors etc. dureing his absence or at least at present. How are the [     ] Have you any sleighing yet? How is old grey & the rest of the family of pets. Tell Corlie to take good care of every thing & to give all of you a kiss for me but to be sure & not rob hymself. Does Molly make her usual morning call on Mary? Please write as often as you can & tell all the news. If there is anything very interesting [  ] the papers you can cut them out & send in a letter as the mail is so crowded that papers seldom come through.

Yours etc.J.M. Stone

