Letter to Rufus and Sebra Towle

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Rufus Towle P. M.West RochesterVermont


Head Quarters Camp GriffinFairfax County Va.Nov. 25thDear Parents

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Your most welcome letter found Camp Griffin last night and found me better than some previous ones though not in very good strength. The great peculiarity of the cases of sickness here seems to be that when the Disease has left a person it is almost impossible to regain ones strength. There are those here Harry Washburn for one had the Measles some four weeks since and is not able to be out though there seems to be nothing ailing him but a general prostration Carlos Carr is another case though he first had Typhoid Fever Most of the West Rochester Boys are unable to do duty though none of them dangerously sick That Report about two of the West R – Boys being sentenced to be shot for sleeping on their is like most stories that go home from Camp that is entirely false

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And I must say I am very sorry to learn that so infamous slanderous a Report should get in circulation as the one I heard of concerning Danl Jones. there is not the least shadow of fact for its foundation but is a malicious falsehood Today is pay-day and we expect to be paid before night part or the whole in treasury notes. If they will circulate or will not I suppose I might send some home Judge Poland is here sent by Vermont to carry money home for Soldiers I may send some by him or perhaps by letter or both. You mentioned something about some things but did not say whether you had sent or when you should. One needs to know when to look for any such thing as if they dont it may lay kicking round the Qr. Masters get spoiled. Last night it snowed here and this morning the ground was white and frozen and looked like Vt. somewhat but it soon melted off and left a good bed of mud very nice to drill in. Mud here is very different from Vt. mud it is just like Clay only more so. It is

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getting to be fall weather here cold frosty mornings and and then fogs in the morning. Rains being frequent keeping the ground and Roads quite muddy so much so that it is now difficult to transport Artillery. One thing I think is fast being impressed upon the minds of all here and that is the impractability of a Winter Campaign. It is my opinion that we shall go into Winter quarters within two or three weeks. if so we shall probably be in more comfortable circumstances at least we shall try hard to make ourselves more comfortable. then a loaf of brown bread and a jug of milk from home every Day would be really nice if you send any thing to me put in a loaf of brown bread Here we get no Corn in any shape. Many of the Boys are having sweet Cakes by the box sent and making themselves sick eating it I don’t want any such without it be just for a taste. I don’t want to beg any thing of any body but I have received several letters saying that many would regard it as a privilege to contribute something

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for the benefit of the soldiers I think I have written before that butter Cheese maple sugar Dried Fruit and such substantial Articles would be of most benefit to us here. Pepper, ginger and tea would be of great usefulness especially in case of sickness. I Recd Willards Paper also the Standard with the ginger the latter I would not sell for two Dollars. Papers are thankfully recd here as we are short of Reading. And Miss Laura I suppose you are going to school well my advice to you is to be temperate Temperance is your greatest failing. You by nature have a superior mind but it is held greatly in check by over indulgence in eating. Of course I advise you to improve your time at School and the first thing in this direction is to keep yourself in condition to learn and all you need is to be temperate and nature will keep you at the head of the School. This advice I give you kindly and you cannot now say that I have any selfish sordid motive in doing so. Most truly yours


If you send anything after this reaches you send two prs heavy woolen Drawers and the price of every thing too

