Joseph Rutherford to Jacob [Rutherford]

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Sept 1862My dear Son Jabob,

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Your Mother told me that you wanted me to write you a letter, and I will do so now. I know you cannot read it but your good dear mother will read it for you I suppose you would like to know how things work where I am. Well we are camped on a piece of ground very much like our little lawn. The white tents set in rows so that they form streets like a little village. The officers tents are on the back side of the village and as we walk along in front of our tents we can walk down the streets of the Soldiers. We have 12 long streets in our little town and there is not [mudly] they are very [pretty]. I guess you would laugh to see how I have got things fixed in my tent.

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My bedstead is made of boards with sides nailed on to keep me from rolling out. I have get a little [         ] stove, my chair is a box with one side worked off with some leg nailed on. It is a funny looking thing I can tell you. I have got something else and you cant guess what it is. It is a very pretty little black dog, he is just as black as he can be with white toes. He is so caring and full of play. He came to me one day and he would stay with me and I was very willing he should you would like him very much, and if I do not lose him I shall take him home with me. He is not so large as Brave.

I have got a table with an old box for a book case on it which looks funny enough, and I am eating pop

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corn that a soldier just came in and poped on my stove. The soldiers are very good to me, they will do any thing I want them to and often do things without asking But the are some I do not like because they are not good men, they do not keep themselves clean and get lousy and sick. You know I [    ] liked to see any body dirty. I tell you Jacob I have got the best horse of any body in our Regt. She is so pretty and so nice to ride, and she will trot a mile in less than 3 minutes. You could ride but just as easy - I cant tell you any thing more to night.

Are you good to our mother and Sisters and little Brother? Yes, I know you are always to good to them, and they will be good to you. Mother told me that you was going to school.

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I want you to learn all you can and learn to write so you can write letters to me.

Give my love to your Brother and sisters, and Mother.

Your affectionate FatherJ. C. Rutherford

