Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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BaltimoreJan 16th 1863My dear Wife-

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I told you in my last that I was coming to this place and here I am. Though in a large city I feel as lonely as one could wish to be. I came in here last evening with a sick man and saw him off in the cars this morning. I have been just as busy as I could be all day doing errands for the officers of our regiment, it being next to imposible for any of them to get a leave of absense even for 48 hours, and I could not have got it was it not in the course of my duties. This [         ] is looked upon by the wise ones as onimous of an important move, but I think we shall not be included in any movements that may

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take plan at present as we are doing very important duty when we are, that is guarding the river for some 20 miles.

I did have to ride a part of this beat, but have been relieved from it to take charge of the hospital which is much pleasenter and easier, and what is of no small importance it reflects much credit upon my abilities. It is common talk among the staff and even among the Line officers that if Dr Child should be promoted (of which there is some prospect) I must take his plan. The Governor was in Washington the other day and our Col saw him. He (the Gov) enquired how he liked me? The Col's reply was flattering enough for any man. And by the way I found out why I did not get the appointment in the 9th. (for which God be thanked)

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Some men in our neighborhood had the kindness to tell the Governor that I was of no account whatever. I did not learn who it was, but I think it was some one who were told the place and didn't get it. I know by what Col Jewetts told me when he got back that my chance are more than equal with the Governor.

Has them any thing new happened to Kittie? My impassive are very singular, but most always prove [     ] you know that nothing has never happened to our children but I have had a warning of it before hand. Could you but seen me when I had the information given me in my dream of Kitties accident you would have seen a sorrowful object I have not shed tears so for years nor did I get over it for days, &

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it makes me shudder now when I think of it. Why is should have such peculiar impressions is only known by him who holds us as in the hollow of his hand.

Take care of our darlings - and whatever may befall the rest of our regiment I shall be [     ] to return you all. I sent by express today $200.00 which you ought to get on Monday next. Just as soon as we get some more pay you shall have more. I have nearly 3 months pay [   ] see now. I want you to tell Parker that in a few days I am going to write him a good long letter. Remember me to all our friends. Tell the children how much I want to see them and kiss them all for now.

Ever your affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford

I return to camp tomorrow morning. I have to go 70 miles on the Harpers ferry R Road and go within 14 miles of that place. The ambulance will meet me at Point of rocks.

My health is very good and fat as a [   ]

