Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Whites Ford Md.March 18th 1863My dear Wife,

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I arrived here yesterday (Tuesday) safe and sound. I was attacked with a very severe headache soon after I left N. York and it lasted me untill I reached Point of Rocks, which was at 12 M. and got I got here about 4 1/2 P.M. They were all glad to see me I can tell you, and I was glad to see them. I came very near missing the train at Baltimore I [    ] with nothing of interest on the road, but I did not see any bear ground till I arrived at Point of Rocks. The mountains all around us last night was covered with snow but today there is not a might to be seen.

My friends here say that it has been very cold here ever since I left. I lost my trunk at Point of Rocks - they did not put it off the train, but I told the R. R. Agent that it must be returned to day, and I have sent a man up after it. I found John at the station waiting for me, which you may believe was very agreeable to me.

To day I have been to Poolsville to see Col Jewett and he was very glad to see me also Dr Child

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I had a very pleasant time, went and dined with the Col and after dinner sat down and had a good solid smoke with him.

I found every thing concerning the sick in a very good condition. Two men have died since I left, one of these last night after my return But we have none very sick now. These two men died very suddenly - with affection of the brain.

I regret very much that I forgot to take there scabs, and I want you to send them to me as soon as possible.

They have arrested one of our neighbors here for harboring a rebel officer and scenting, he has had his trial by a court martial and is sentenced to be hung. He is now at Poolsville wearing trinketts round his ancles in the shape of a chain and a 24 pound canon ball. I told this same man last fall that he deserved hanging and if he had justice done him he would be hung. Our men have been doing a great business in the way of seizing U.S. property that was in the hands of the people about here - not a house has been searched but more of less Government property has been found. Such as

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arms clothing blankets, knapsacks, vaggons and almost evry consumable thing [         ] to army equipage has been found under straw stacks corn heaps and in grain bins.

I tell you there skunks begin to find out that we are in earnest and they tremble in their boots.

I do not think of any more news to tell you to night - therefore will close this very interesting epistle of the present.

March 19th. There was a Capt of the Vt Cavelry staid with us last night who was with those who got gobbled up when Eugene was, and he told me how Eugene got away. He had his bridle in his hand when a rebel Capt rode up to him and fired at him when Eugene drew up and struck him over the head with his bridle bit and knocked him dead out of his saddle. You can imagine how hard a blow he could strike in this way. This officers who was with us says that our men fought like devils -

Kiss the children for me, and accept much love for yourself

Your affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford

