Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp near Brandy Station and near Culpepper VaNov 11th 1863My dear Wife,

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I have not heard from you for some time, which makes me feel lonely I can assure you. We have been in two fights since I wrote you last, and once I got into the thick of it when the shot and shell sung beautifully. But not one of our boys got hurt thank God. Your humble servant came out of it safe and sound. We are encamped on the farm of J. Minor Botts, the best Union man in Va. We have had the hardest time and fare since I wrote you last that I have yet seen. Have suffered more with cold nights than I ever did before. Yet my health does not suffer in the least by there exposures. The fulness I experience is beyond precidence in my life.

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I try and make the very best of my trials, dont allow myself to think of my hardships, but keep thinking how much I shall enjoy when I return to my loved and loving family.

We are to be paid off again tomorrow, and you may be looking for a remittance from me, which will make your good old heart glad again, and will half to provide you comforts for the coming winter.

Let me hear from you just as often as you can find time to write, it gives me such unbounded pleasure to hear from home. God bless you and our dear children. Give them my love. I shall for the present write as usual, I may write again tomorrow.

Your ever loving husbandJ.C. Rutherford

