Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Brandy Station VaMar 11th 64My dear dear Wife,

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I have just received yours of the 7th and you may be assured it was very welcome. I wish to allay your fears about me as we are not and have not been on a march, but merry and comfortable in camp.

I did not know that my dear daughter had [] How did it happen? But I am glad that she has recovered from the injury.

Accept my heart felt thanks for your kind sympathy for my comfort &c. It gives me courage to endure the hardships of camp life to

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knwo that you have a hearts desire in my welfare It makes my trials and privations a thousand times less [] to know that you of all others feel them for me. God grant that you may be rewarded for this kindness.

I am glad to learn that Elder Blake was cured of his "Shakes." You asked Moody enough for the medicine

I will send you a recipes for making it is a day or two.

I wrote a long letter to you some days ago and sent $60 in money in it and I wrote another yesterday I also sent a picture of my Quarters. Let me know

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when you receive the money as I shall feel anxious till I know it is safe in your hands.

I pity Mrs S- but I am glad for him and you tell her to tel her husband so for me.

I was ammused at the Irish Rule you made in your letter "do not forgot if you do not receive this from see that it is not because I do not write"

[] get this letter write and let me know.

You may be [] my dear wife that if any thing ails me you shall know it, not that I should wish to give you any alarm but, to know the worst is better than uncertainties

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We have had a thunder storm today and my old shanty leaked like a riddle, and write my paper and every thing else. The fields are looking quite green the grass growing finely.

[] a fence built between your yard and woods house so that the cottage will nto trouble you. That can be done by and by.

Give my love to the children and tell them that I will write to them soon.

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

