Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Brandy Station VaSunday Mar 13th 1864My dear Wife,

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I received yours of the 9th last night, acknowleding the night of the money. You ask why we were not paid in full? I do not know, We have to take such as they see fit to give us. The only satisfaction is that what is due is good. If I could borrow the money here I would, but we are all short, and I do not think it is your duty to deprive yourself of the necessary means of living to pay debts that can be paid at an early day.

I am here doing my duty for our common country, and I think it rather hard if a little time cannot be given when I am obliged to give time to the government for my pay

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Look out for number one for the present. You ask if there is any intention of making any alterations in the Medical Dept of the 10th. No. There is no chance for alterations unless some of us die. I do not know why you ask the question. I cant see why you deal in mystery about either. Be plain and frank, Every thing is lovely here every thing goes on smoothly and quietly in our regiment, except our case. Maj Chandler is constantly in a mess, and talks of resigning, and there are some that want [] how soon, and Col J. is one. To much for regimental scandle. I can imagine how glad you must be to get a letter from, by my own experience in getting letters from you. There was a number of days that I did

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not with. I had so much to do that I did not feel like writing. My work is not quite so hard now there being less sickness in the regt.

I have been alone the last 4 days Dr Clark being out on picket when I would rather he would go than go myself. You may not assured that I shall try and do less work than I have done, while some are sitting on their beams end doing nothing but what they do for themselves. The fact is I dont think my health will allow me to endure what I have the past year, at any rate I dont think I shall see the risk. One thing I want to say to you, is that you must not be so solicitors about my health. It keeps you uneasy all the time and does no good. Dont think I do not appreciate your kind feeling for me, for

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I do and feel inexpressably thank full for your kindness of heart. I hope the time may come when I can prove to you how much I value your goodness.

My dear did I ever hint or say any thing that you were any thing but economical? I always have said that I had had half the care and economy that you had we should have been rich now. Do not fear for paying for the house as my [] wages will be enough to take up all the notes. When does the next note become due? This is all the paper I have got and I dont care to borrow any now so you will accept this with the truest love of the human heart. Give my love to the children and kiss them all for me.

Your loving HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

