Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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South west of Petersburgh VaDec 7th 1864My dear Wife:-

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On Saturday last we started from the Valley and arrived in Washington on Sunday morning. Went and see George and was with him about 2 hours. Then I even barked on board a steamer went down the Potomac and up the Jarvis and arrived at City Point at 10 A.M. on Monday.

We remained here about 2 hours and then started for the front, and here we are in the Grand Army of the Potomac again. The weather has been most delightfully warm and pleasent. Till today

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It has been rainy all day but is very warm. The whole Corps is not here yet, but what has arrived have gone into the fortifications to do more fighting. Our ears are saluted quite often with the report of both great and small arms, but more at night than in the day time.

It is impossible to know what is to be done, but there are any amount of speculation in the matter. I think much depends upon the result of Shermans Campaign.

George has just returned from Illinois, his wife remains there this winter. Reuben is to go to Europe as Embassador. George as Embassador, George is Chief Quarter Master

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of the U.S. Army and is in rank next to the 2.M. Genl. While your poor husband is nothing but a simple Asst Surgeon in a Vol regiment. Dont think for a moment that I envy my brothers their good fortune for they have earned it and are worthy of the positions they hold and I feel proud that they do.

It is rather assuring to me how the officials in the 2.M department, are ready to do any thing for me when they find out who I am, and offer o get me any thing I want, &. And I find it is no disadvantage to me to have them feel obsequious

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Private George told me as we parted, that if any of them were any way kranky to let him know and off would come their heads. And they well know that he can do as he pleases with them. His power is not confined to the 2.Ms. It extend to the ordanence and Medical Departments.

I will write again in a few days and tell you more. I am well except a little inflamatory rheumatism in my joints, but not enough to lay me up, but keeps me awake nights. Give my love to the dear children, and accept the [] assurance of the continued love of

husbandJ.C. Rutherford

