Mary H. McDuffee to Hannah Rutherford

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HopewellFeb. 23rd /65Mrs. Rutherford
Dear Madame

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I had the pleasure of being introdued to your husband on board the cars bound for Jersey City, was very glad to find I could have the company of Hannah Chase's husband thus far (as I had often hear my [] Hannah McDuffee call you, & felt acquainted with you almost by hearing her talk of you) when we [] to pay our fare from N.Y. city to the Ferry I could not make the change, where we arrived in the city his train for Washington was here so I had no time to get money

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changed before he started so I told him I would send it to you. Enclosed you will please find the amount one dollar & thirty cents

Hoping this is apology enough for addressing a stranger

I am your
obliged & grateful friendMary h. McDuffee

