Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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3d Div 6th Corps HospitalMar 9th 1865My dear Wife,

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I received your letter of the 4th this morning, and it was a welcome visitor, though I had received one a day or two ago.

I read it laying upon my back so sick. I have not been well for two weeks, hardly able to keep about, but I have done my duty every day till to day. I am feeling better this evening than I have any time for the last fortnight, and am in hopes now to get along.

I took a blue pill last night & that has done an a power of good.

You need not send me any money as I have got some and dont need yours. I am very glad

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you did not send the money.

I shall not write much as my head is not very clear.

It rains nearly every day here, it rained all night last night & it is raining to night like shot.

I have a good shelter for which I am truly thankful. While it rains we will not have to move, and the longer we lay here the less fighting we shall have to do.

Give my love to our dear ones, and accept the devoted love of you

Your affectionate
HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

I have commenced a letter to Jacob but do not feel able to finish it – shall soon.

