Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
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I received your letter of the 24th last evening Thank you for your kind wished for my welfare I regulated very much to leave the 10th Vt but my regrets were softened by the circumstances in which I left that regiment. The congratulation that I received from all my friends were very flattering to me. No one has left the 6th Corps with more friends than I did, and I feel proud that my [] with the officers of the 3d Div in particular was such as to win their respect. It is a rare thing for a person situated as I was (and particularly a surgeon) that been with there so long leaves with without an evening. Respect has always been shown me for my ages, expression, and skills, a remarkable thing in our profession which is proverbiale for its jealousy of each other. Whether I deserved all this or not is another question.
The Medical director of the Corps expressed much regret that I should leave, but
congratulated me upon my promotion, which he thought I richly deserved. These
things are hardly worth telling of
but they are very agreeable to my
feelings. My present position bids fair to be as pleasent in every respect as it
was in the 10th. My rank gives me more "sea room" and what officer that are
here I am very much pleased with. The Col. (Randell) is home on a leave, and the
Major (Knapp) is in command. I quarter with the Major and like him very much. He
is a man of most excelent habits and of liberal education. I have told you in a
former letter who my asst surgeon was. I have get to break him as he is
perfectly green in the business. Where I first reason to the regiment he had
quite notions of going to other regiments and staying half a day. I soon put a
stop to this, and gave him to understand that he could not go out of camp
without leave. I set him an example by not going myself without asking the
commanding officer leave to go, in his presence, and never to leave camp when I
was absent. You ask me about my hospital attendents. I have but form here The
stewards and the nurses. Albert Gleries is one and stays with me all the time.
The men are a crying fair class and I think I shall like them - I do so far. Col
Henry has a brother in this regiment who is a Lt.
Poor little Kittie, dont know to make of Papa's saying "well". I must write her
good long letter. We are all stired up here, every thing packed ready for a
march. Was up all last night expecting an attack from
the enemy. I have seen great commotions in the army many times, but never so
much as has been for the last three days. Sheriden is here with 15,000 cavelry.
Terry has joined our left with the 25th Corps, Colored troops from Wilmington Genl Sherman is at
City Point and Genl Commotion all round. We shall have
written a week such a crash as never was heard since the world began, and every
soldier is tip toe with excitement and ready to power upon the enemy with a
will. We all feel elated at the speedy prospects of the downfall of the
rebellion. The rebs are desperate and we are confident and determined. The
weather is delightful for military operations and Grant is improving it. He came
up from City Point the morning and going to the left to super intend matters
there. We expect to be called to fall in every minute so I cannot write a long
letter or a news paper article. Such of the above as would suit Royal for news
let him have, as I do not know when I can write again. I will give him such news
as may be interesting to his readers as
often as I can. I am very well
and hope I may continue so. Give my love to the children and take a share for
Ever thineJ.C. Rutherford
P.S. save this poetry for me.
My dear daughter,
Accept my thanks for your congratulations, and it gives
me great pleasure that you feel so much interest in my success. Aint you
giving me a big boost "from surgon to say Genl?
I have been promoted to the highest rank a surgeon can go, at the top of the ladder. Let us be satisfied, if we do our duty well as we are. Dr Clark will take my place as Asst Surgeon in charge. He will do well, as he has had a good school to learn how to do it. As I have told your mother all I have to say of interest, and bring all [] up and [] at that I will not write more this time. I do not have much work to do as we have very few sick.
Your affectionate Father
J.C. Rutherford