Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Alexandria VaApr 29th 1865My dear Wife,

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I have just received your letter of the 26th and hasten to reply to it.

I do not wonder at your anxiety in fact I soon expected just such a letters from you for my long silence, that is long for me.

If you had been in my place for the last 10 days you would not think strange of my assuming neglect. We have marched over 300 miles besides going a long way by water and our mail facilities have been very limited and I did not feel very much like writing if I had the [] for doing so. Then again I had nothing particularly interesting to write. You should know by this time that if any thing was wrong with me you would be informed of it at once. Though I have not (the wind blows my paper all about) written, you may rest assured that you nor our dear children are never out of mind. I dont think I am much sorry that I did let a few days slip by without writing as you will better appear

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ciate my poor letters. You seem to feel very anxious about my exposing myself to [] &c Now I can well appreciate your anxiety but as I never visit any of the houses of the inhabitants there can be very little danger to myself, then what good could an injury to me do the cursed traitors?

You ask my opinion of the affairs of the nation. What can I say, any more than I have often said that we are coming out all right. The thing no doubt looks dark to you who are so far from the strife and field of battle, but to us every thing is looked upon as the fulfillment of the nations destiny. God rubs our nation and the events of our terrible war, let us bow in submission to his will, and act the part set for us to the best of our abilities.

If Sherman has done as it is said he did. Why I think he has dubbed in other words made a great blunder. But so much have I become to believe in the ultimate designers of the great Ruler of all things that I feel it was intended that greater good might

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[] to the nation from it. It opens the eyes of the people to the gross folly of being too lenient to these hell bone traitors not only at the south but in the midst of our N.E. homes. We are all coming home soon, and our first work will be to clean out every traitor and tory, that act as foul alarms in the living flesh of our homes. We soldiers have vowed it upon the alter of our country and you may depend the provisions blood of these treacherous villians will flow freely for the lives of many of our noble soldiers they have been the means of sacrificing. God have mercy on them for we wont. No! Never.

I am more surprised that Friend Seargent did not take the life of that rotten hearted scoundrel than I should have been if he had. Robinson might as well learn now as ever that his life will not be worth the asking if he is found in the country when our troop return home. You may think me excited and so I am but it is an excitement that the nothing but the just punishment of traitors will []. The country

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will never be safe while they are allowed to walk its surface or breath the air of heaven. Death to all traitors is our watch word.

I am surprised that Lt Seargent should make such a mistake been in the service as long as he has. Ask him if a Surgeon dont wear the Gold leaf? made thus [image of leaf] A surgeon ranks as Major. A captains badge is the two bars, the strap made thus [image of bar].

A surgeon ranks as major of cavelry which gives him more pay than major of Infantry.

I am glad to learn that our friend Page is improving, dont forget to remember me to him and his excelent wife. I have got to writing I hardly known when to stop, but the wind flirts my paper about so much that it is next to impossible to write. I have plenty of elbow soon for I am under the broad canopy of heaven when the gentle [] have this full play.

I think you will see us all home about the 1st of June. Remember me to our dear children and accept the undying love of

Affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

