Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford
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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont
Brattleboro Vt.Sunday Oct 19thDear Sister –
I got back to B- all right & might as well have stayed at home until monday
for we have not done anything but to have the Co. inspected by Dr. Phelps There
was one man thrown out, a man from Springfield (Gilbert). Phelps said the
commisioned officers of the Regt would be inspected tomorrow. - Col. Veazey told
me this morning that Parks was to be Surgeon, & he had appointed George
[Spafford] Asst. Surgeon & ordered him to report at
Brattleboro immediately
They say we shall go next friday sure, but
you know how much dependence can be placed upon what “they
say”. It is possible that it may be so, I suppose we shall know within a week.
I shall try & come home before we go & think now that I can, tho’ I may
not. You had better make those velvet pieces for our caps as soon as possible
& send them in an envelope, if you have no other chance. I presume there
will be plenty of folks from that direction coming down here tuesday. – George
Clark went home Satruday so
I presume you will see him & he will
tell you of George’s appointment. – Do you think he will accept it? I did’nt
know but he had fairly given up the idea and did not care for the place now.-
Charley Brink says he shall not go home at all.
I have nothing more in particular to write so will close. Write me often.
Your Aff. BrotherJoseph Spafford
P.S. Every body says “what a pretty vest”