Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont


Brattleboro Vt.Sunday Oct 19thDear Sister –

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I got back to B- all right & might as well have stayed at home until monday for we have not done anything but to have the Co. inspected by Dr. Phelps There was one man thrown out, a man from Springfield (Gilbert). Phelps said the commisioned officers of the Regt would be inspected tomorrow. - Col. Veazey told me this morning that Parks was to be Surgeon, & he had appointed George [Spafford] Asst. Surgeon & ordered him to report at Brattleboro immediately

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They say we shall go next friday sure, but you know how much dependence can be placed upon what “they say”. It is possible that it may be so, I suppose we shall know within a week.

I shall try & come home before we go & think now that I can, tho’ I may not. You had better make those velvet pieces for our caps as soon as possible & send them in an envelope, if you have no other chance. I presume there will be plenty of folks from that direction coming down here tuesday. – George Clark went home Satruday so

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I presume you will see him & he will tell you of George’s appointment. – Do you think he will accept it? I did’nt know but he had fairly given up the idea and did not care for the place now.- Charley Brink says he shall not go home at all.

I have nothing more in particular to write so will close. Write me often.

Your Aff. BrotherJoseph Spafford

P.S. Every body says “what a pretty vest”

