Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp Near Fairfax C.H. Va.Dec. 23d 1862My Dear Sister –

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As George is going to write home to night I will put in a line tho’ I write so often there is nothing new to write. We are still at Fairfax, & like to be for what I know, & might as well be here as any where else when things are going as they now are. We have got the hardest whiping at Fredericksburg that we have recd since the war commenced. This I consider so for two reasons. 1st We have lost in killed & wounded at least 5 times more than the rebels have, & I am somewhat of the opinion of Dr. [Cram], that it is a victory for us when we kill more than they do, whether we retreat or not, for they have got to be exterminated. 2d The defeat comes just at the time, when of all times, we should have had a victory. I am disgusted with the way the war is carried on; only think Banks gone off down to Ship Island; he might as well keep on to Mexico while he is about it, & when he gets there if I was him I would make that country my residence in the future, for tho its one of the most miserable governments possible, ours will be worse at this rate.

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We have lost one man from our Co. S. E. Connor of Weathersfield. He was sick when we left Camp Vt. & was left there in the Hos. & sent from there to the Genl Hos at Alexandria. His disease was Pneumonia. He was as fine a fellow as we had in the Co.

Capt Mason & Lieut Williams are both sick, threatened with a fever tho’ Dr. Geo thinks they will come out of it all right in a day or two. You had better not mention this so that either of thier wives may hear of it for they would only worry uselessly. They may be quite well tomorrow. I am tough as a knot, guess I shall kill all the rest this time round. The Co. generally are in good health.

We have taken the Commissary Sergt into our mess, so we live quite well at a reasonable rate.

I have not heard from you since you heard of our leaving Camp Vermont. Shall look for a letter from you tomorrow.

Mustered in 2 mos. ago to day, 7 mos longer time passes very fast with us here.

Tis late & I will close. Love to all.

As Ever Your Aff BrotherJoseph Spafford

