Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills Va.April 3d 1863Dear Sister

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I have not recd a letter from home for a number of days, not since I last wrote. nevertheless I am going to write you this P.M. as I have plenty of time. Since I last wrote there has been several changes in the Regt. Lt Peabody of Co. H. has been made Adj. Lt. Williams of Co. E. made 1st Lt Co. H. vice P- promoted 2d Lt Geo. M. Clark of Co D. transfered to Co. E. vice Williams promoted. Ord Sergt Will Bemis Co D. promoted to 2d Lt Co. D. vice Clark, transfered 2d Lt Clark of Co. G. promoted to 1st Lt in I. vice Lt Haskins resigned. Ord Sergt Cox Co. G. promoted to 2d Lt Co G. vice Clark promoted. Sergt Maj.

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Fletcher (Gov’s son) promoted to 2d Lt Co. C. vice Whitmore resigned. This I beleive is all the changes that have taken place lately & I should think it was about enough for a Regt only a few months out. Lt Geo. C. & Capt Ball Co. D. did not get along together very well & consiquently Capt B. got him transfered to E.

George (the Dr) & I went down to Washington Mar. 31st stoped two days & nights. Went to Grovers theater each night to see Davenport. Play first night “Werner” 2d night “Still waters run deep” & “My Aunt”

I got Aderlaid Proctors poems which I am going to send you by mail at the same time I do this letter.

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I dont see why we do not hear from you. As I did not get a letter to day I shall not hear till day after tomorrow as I go on picket tomorrow & shall not come in till the day after.

We have had very cold weather all through March, & the 1st of April was remarkably cold, but now tis warm & summer like. Our boys are remarkably well, we having but one on the sick list at the present time & he not sick of any account.

I have got two pieces of music which I am going to send you when we have learned them well enough. One of them you’ll notice is quite new. “I’m

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sitting on the Stile Mary” I think it is real pretty if it is old. The other I think very pretty too & not quite so old. “The Vacant Chair” I know you will like them both.

We are expecting to be paid four months pay next week & shall not probarbly be paid again before we come home, which acording to present appearances will be about August 1st 1863, making our time nearly 4 mos. longer. After that time the boys will have something to say about staying longer. I like well & my health is excellent would’nt wonder if nothing happens if I made up my mind to come out again. I will write no more to day. Love to all. I am anxious to hear from home.

Your Aff BrotherJoseph Spafford

