Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp BaxterJuly 19My dear wife. My darling blessed angel

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I could not possibly write that first night. have had to work like fury since you left, was officer of the Day yesterday & had no Co. officer present & had to go to town 3 times to see about my muster roll. Saw Mrs. Baxter a moment. She misses Carry very much. all that I have seen inquire for you & commiserate me. How hard these boards are - seems to me they will kill me. I used to think they were quite comfortable. Oh, my own angel wife, I wish I could have you with me always. You are perfection & the only specimen in this world & I want you. I know there never was a better wife. How does Carry like? Remember me to her & all the rest- We have marching orders for Washington to start next

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Tuesday for Baltimore under Genl. Banks. I am delighted to leave this place. Am tired this morn- as my duties kept me up some last night. Now my beautiful wife I must close for you cant imagine how much I have to do to get away Tuesday. Shall probably go to New Haven & take a boat from N. York, but I will write more when I know more about it. Now good bye my little darling angel & do be a splendid wife. for I cant tell you one half my love Kiss me my sweet angel.

Your own devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

