Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp LyonGeorgetown HeightsAug 2.My own sweet angel wife.

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I was very happy to receive yr letter with your Father’s. It was the first I had from any source & had not seen a paper. What a luxury it is to have a wife, fond, faithful, and true, to write to me now, Darling angel. The best of all is to know that I have such a good wife. I know you are good, & try hard to do all you can to be good. What a happy time we had at St. J. It was the happiest period of my life, & I am so much pleased to think we are married. I don’t know

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why it is that it should make such a difference but it does. It seems to be a new happieness to have one so good, to love & be loved by & know that you are mine, all mine & that I shall soon return to you & I shall live with you always. I would give anything to see you yet my own angel I could not feel contented to be out of this service. But it is the hardest work I ever did . Yesterday I was officer of the Day- & got tired enough, did not get to bed till nearly 3 o’clock & got up before 5. We are on the banks of the Potomac, 5 miles from Washington by

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the chain bridge so called. You can see the place on the maps of this vicinity. The enemy are near in large force & we have a small force as yet, but expect more soon. Our Col. W. F. Smith late Capt. U.S.A. has been promoted to the command of all the forces about this post, pro tempore He is a tiger all over. The reg. improves immensely every day. Men are punished for the least offence. I kept 6 men walking 16 hours out of 24 yesterday for drinking. All liquor dealers are shut up as soon as found. No officer even can leave

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camp without permission & no one has got permission yet. They have to be present to all roll calls & drills. We have 10 roll calls each day, 2 battalion drills, 2 Co. drills & target shooting. One of our guard shot at a spy about 2 o’clock last night & I had to turn out to examine the approaches to camp. I board at a private farm house near by. Tell Miss Baxter that Stoughton is stopping with me tonight. My own angel he is not the kind of bed fellow I like. I rec’d a fine letter from yr [   ] whi I will answer as soon as possible. Good night my beautiful angel. I do worship you. Genl. McClellen was hear yesterday. Kiss me & love me my own sweetest love.

Yr husbandW. V.

