Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp LyonSept 6. /61My own angel -

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Suppose you see by the papers that we are advancing. We crossed the river- last Tuesday night. started about 11 o’clock, didn’t know one thing about it but an hour before we left, I was sitting on a court marshall, had been all day & was expecting to nearly all night. had several cases to try. Its the most solemn business I ever did. The order came to get ready to march, no one knew where.

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McClellan was here & went with us, ten regts in all besides artillery & cavalry. We took position a couple miles fr the bridge, & awaited an attack, but nothing appeared & has not yet. We have a strong position & shall hold it. We prepared for battle every morn before daylight. I have done some pretty hard work & been trusted with some very important business. Genl Smith is the most severe man I ever saw, yet he seems to take some liking to me & gives me important duties. I suppose the grand advance is begun & in a military

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way - no such hap-hazzard manner as our first advance. Genl. Scott’s telegram seemed almost like a voice from above. he said, “all is ready, let the column advance.” but this is not to be made public. We are surely marching on to a glorious victory all feel it to be so. The two forces are very near each other & must come together soon or the Enemy retreat, & retreat is surely destruction to them. We have taken no tents, but camp on the ground unencumbered. All like

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it very much. It rained severely yesterday but we shelter ourselves various ways & keep plenty of camp fires. I could tell of many curious experiences already but cant stop to write much I got away a short time this morn to come over to write a word, don’t know when I can write again but you may know that all is well until you hear again if we remain where we are I can come over & write occasionally but I don’t know when we shall move. We all expected a battle the first two nights sure, after forming our lines & getting everything ready I lay down & slept as well as I ever did

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any where, expecting to be awaked by the announcement of an approach & well pleased with the thought. I feel more & more confident every day that I shall able to bear up under the ordeal, when it comes. I rely on an arm mightier than my own - whatever may be the result with me, all will be well. I would not be elsewhere for anything. The increase of responsibility makes me the more cool and fearless. I would rather die than flinch. I thank God that I am born to some purpose. I get yr letters the day after you write. There will no trouble

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about yr letters reaching me. write as often as you please.

You can form but little idea of our situation just now. We have seen & felt about all there is of war as soldiers excepting the actual engagement. I have no horse yet, use a team horse, have sent to Vt for one. I was in the saddle for 24 hours almost all the time up to last eve. Wore down 2 horses & rode the third, & succeeded in executing every order. I like the business now very much. Give me a blanket & something to eat, no matter what & I can do any am’t of work

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The Genl. has great confidence in our reg’t & calls on us for about everything difficult & important. I believe I shall go through it all & come home to you at last. I have written in great haste. Remember me to all.

Yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

Direct to me now as Lt Col.

