Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinOct. 17,My dear wife-

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I just read yr nice little letter- one of your best. I guess you have been good enough so far. Don’t know how I can judge except by yr letters & they are splendid, except when you write about frills & babies & such things. You of course would take just as many stitches for me in a stocking as for any other man. Stockings are always just of a size. I don’t think I will have any more blankets for Lute as I have got her two & only one for myself. Dan is well &c. Atherton

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has just gone. Our regts are close together. Proctor has gone home. I should like to fold you in my arms my sweet angel. I hope you will remain perfectly good till I come & if I dont have a good time then. How much I think about it. You must be careful about who holds yr yarn. Knitting circles must be rather dangerous places - aint they? We have had lots of cannon firing this afternoon. Genls. McClellan & a dozen others were here, & some ladies fr Washington. It rains hard to night. Hope we shall not be called out. If I were only with you tonight

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I shall be glad to see the end of this war. How do you like my miserable picture? I got it in Washington yesterday. I have a very heavy suit of clothes. This letter is for you alone. Dont any one go into yr room. What makes you look so handsome? Are you after a beau? Wait till I come & I will be enough for you. Yes I get yr letters every day. & could’nt get along without them now, so you must keep them coming. Cant you afford it. If I have good luck I will get pretty much out of debt by 1st January, then

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I shall feel better. I shall want to serve long enough to get money to rusticate on after I return Good night my blessed angel. I do adore my own darling sweet wife. God bless you my own love & keep you ever faithful & true to yr devoted husband. I will try to be as good as you

Yr own husbandWheelock

