Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinJan’y 15/62My Darling Wife

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I have not recd a letter fr you for two days What can be the matter! Hope my love you are not sick. Had a letter fr Henry this eve, All well at home, but want to seem me very much. It has snowed or rained for two days. We dont do much now; the mud is very deep. I want to see you dreadfully my own darling. Mr. Crain’s wife is coming here to- morrow & Col. Hyde’s wife. I would have you come if I did not hope to come home bye & bye. Altho I don’t think it quite pays to have a lady come here. When is

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Mr. Danforth going back to his home? Am in a great hurry tonight so dont scold if I dont write much. I love you [] yet just as much.

Good night darling
Yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

