Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinMar 2nd 1862My darling wife

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I did’nt get time to write but twice last week darling, but I did the best I could conveniently. Well I have left the old Reg’t at last. Can you believe it? I am appointed Provost Marshall of Smith’s Division, which makes me the rank- ing officer on the General’s Staff, but with none of the drudgery of a staff officer. I have nothing to do out of my province as Marshall except to be with the General in case of an action if he needs me, & I have his promise that I shall be with the Reg’t then, unless he does need me with him. The inclosed orders specifies some of my duties. I am to have a deputy Marshall from each Brigade. It is a position of some honor & much responsibility, yet I disliked very much to accept it. I should prefer to re- main with the Reg’t just at this time. But the General promised if I would take it for the present, & found the duties disagreea- ble, I might return to the Regt. I moved over to Head Quarters yesterday & have been “blue” ever since! it seemed like leaving home. Went over to the Reg’t today & found general lamentation. Had no idea was regarded so well. This fact makes me

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dislike my new appointment. Most officers would regard my position the most desirable they could hold. I had not seen the General for months to speak with him & supposed he had lost track of me, but he seems in- clined to do the best he can for me. Am not well enough acquainted with the duties of a Marshall to enter upon them with any con- fidence. but I long since made up my mind, when put into a place unsought for, that I would not let lack of confidence deter me. Man can do almost anything he undertakes. I shall not have any more picquet duty now but I think I have done about my share of it, have been out once a week or oftener all winter. Shall go to Washington to-morrow or Tuesday to see General Porter. They have been expecting an ad- vance movement here for a week, & do yet but I do not quite expect it, altho’ I should not be surprised at all to start to-morrow. Banks is over now & can protect the rail road to Wheeling, so that troops can be moved to Kentucky if ne- cessary, & I think the advantage of holding the rebel army at Centreville has not yet passed The campaign in the So. West should be completed before the enemy is strengthened there by their army from the Potomac. It may be that their connections are so cut off now that they could not transport troops from Va. readily if so we shall get at them here very soon probably. The management of affairs appears to be excellent. I reckon you will not consider this much of a love letter, I generally continue in the same strain that I begin upon, the next time I will start with love & do it big. Remember me to all.

Yr devoted husband-W. G. Veazey

